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EBE Wellness Policy

  • East Bradford Elementary School is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects our children‘s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. We encourage everyone to help us implement, monitor, and review our nutrition and physical activity practices which impact students, families and staff.

    •  All EBE students will have opportunities, support, and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis.
    •  All EBE students will have access at reasonable cost, to foods and beverages that meet the nutrition recommendations of the 2005 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  

    East Bradford‘s Wellness Committee includes: Tracy Baxter (EBE office/library asst.), JoAnne Lybrand (our ARAMARK cafeteria manager); teachers- Bill Twaddel (PE), Janice Byrne (5th grade); Ann Helion, Principal; and Cathy DiCandilo, School Nurse. Students will be active participants in implementing EBE‘s wellness policy. The Principal shall be responsible to monitor our programs to ensure compliance with the WCASD wellness policy and administrative regulations and guidelines.

    Communication with Parents

    • We will support parents‘/guardians‘/ efforts to provide healthy diets and daily physical activities for their children by providing information and educational opportunities for parents.
    • We encourage parents to pack healthy lunches and snacks and to refrain from including beverages and food that do not meet the WCASD nutrition standards for individual foods and beverages.

    Physical Education

    Quality physical education instruction that promotes lifelong physical activity and provides instruction in the skills and knowledge necessary for lifelong participation shall be provided. A sequential physical education program that is consistent with state Board of Education curriculum regulations and Health, Safety and Physical Education academic standards shall be implemented. All students are required to take physical education. Physicians will be asked to provide recommendations for alternate physical activities when excusing students from regular physical education.

    Nutrition Education and Promotion

    East Bradford Elementary School aims to teach, encourage, and support healthy eating by students. This school will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that:? Is offered at each grade level as part of a sequential, comprehensive, standards- based program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health.

    • Emphasizes caloric balance between food intake and energy expenditure (physical activity/exercise).
    • Includes materials and resources for teachers and other staff, utilizing available community resources when available.

    Physical Activity at School

    EBE strives to provide opportunities for physical activity and/or movement during the school day for all students. That time includes physical activity outside the school environment such as: outdoor play at home, sports, and activities with school including recess, physical activity during lunch, after school sports, walking between classes, recess mileage club, and special events such as the after school fun run, Jump Rope For Heart, and field day.

    Nutrition Guidelines

    • A qualified Food Service professional will provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of our students; in compliance with the National School Breakfast and School Lunch Program.
    •  To the maximum extent practical, EBE will participate in available federal school meal programs (including the School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, and After-School Snacks).
    • EBE Food service and all outside programs run for students within our school building will comply with the standards within this policy.

    Meal Scheduling

    •  When tutoring, club or meeting occurs at lunch the opportunity will be made to allow student to eat. 


    •  EBE students are provided opportunities and means to perform hand washing or hand sanitizing before they eat meals and/or snacks.

    Health Screening

    •  BMI (body mass index) is calculated yearly on all students and reported to parents.

    Beverage Standards for both Food Service and Individually Sold Drink. 

    • Portion Sizes: No limit on water, 8 fluid ounce maximum size for elementary school.

     Not Allowed for All Students in elementary school:

    • Soda
    • Sport drinks
    • Beverages containing caffeine (excluding chocolate milk)


     Allowed for Students in elementary school:

    • Water
    • Seltzer water without added caloric sweeteners ? 100% fruit and vegetable juice ? Unflavored and flavored low-fat or fat-free milk and nutritionally-equivalent nondairy beverages (to be defined by USDA) 
    • Flavored waters

    Food Standards for a la carte items

    • Will have no more than 35% of its calories from fat (excluding nuts, seeds, nut butters and cheeses)
    • Will have less than 10% of calories from saturated fats and trans fats 
    • Of the first three listed ingredients, no more than two should be added sugars

               (excludes those naturally occurring in fruits and dairy products).

    • 50% of grains offered will be whole grains by September, 2007.

    Food portion sizes will be limited to those listed below per “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005” by USDA

    • Portion sizes will not exceed the serving size of food served in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program and packaged items will be single serving size.
    • One and one-quarter ounces maximum for chips, crackers, popcorn, cereal, trail mix, nuts, seeds, or dried fruits.
    • No limit to fruits and non-fried vegetables. 
    • Cookies—1.33 ounces maximum.
    • Two ounces maximum for cereal/granola bars and bakery items.
    • Fried foods will not exceed 4 ounces. 
    • One snack item only will be sold to an individual student per lunch.

    Fundraising Activities Policy (applies to those activities occurring before, during and immediately after the school day)

    • We encourage fundraising activities that promote physical activity.
    • We encourage cash donations for fundraising.

    Snacks Outside of the Cafeteria

    Our school principal, with input from the Wellness Committee, will assess if and when to offer snacks based on timing of school meals and children‘s nutritional needs. Snacks served during the school day will make a positive contribution to EBE children‘s nutritional status and health. Emphasis is on serving fruits, vegetables and dairy products as the primary snacks, and water, milk, or 100% fruit or vegetable juice as the primary beverages.


    EBE School, teachers, and after school personnel will not use foods or beverages that do not meet the WCASD Food Standards (above) as rewards for academic performance or good behavior, and will not withhold snacks or meals as a punishment.

    Food Marketing

    Marketing promotions for fundraising purposes will be consistent with the nutrition education, physical activity and nutrition and beverage standards above. Promotions of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products are encouraged.

    *Adapted from the WCASD School Wellness Policy

    The Federal Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act @.2507. sec. 204 passed in June, 2004 and effective July 1, 2006. Districts participating in the National School Lunch Program must:

    • Have a local council to develop a school wellness policy. Establish a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy.
    • Have goals for nutrition education, physical activity, and nutrition guidelines for all food available on campus.

    The WCASD School Wellness Policy was developed by a committee represented by district staff and administration, parents, community members, a food service representative, a school board member, and a high school student. The policy was School Board approved in June, 2006. To read the WCASD School Wellness Policy in its entirety go to:

     ***Wellness sites for nutrition guidelines and physical activity***

    An interactive website about the new food guide pyramid with sections specifically for children, parents, and educators.

    CDC: Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity
    A to Z informational resource on good health topics.

    WIN Weight-Control Information Network
    Provides the general public, health professionals, the media, and Congress with up-to-date science-based information on weight control, obesity, physical activity, and related nutritional issues.

    Kids Corner
    This is an interactive nutrition website for children.

    Kids Health
    For parents, kids, or teens. Health information by Nemours.

    Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics 
    It's all about eating right.

    Smart Mouth
    This site is geared for teachers, parents, and students to learn about food, the food industry, and food marketing with quizzes, videos, and recipes.

    National Institute of Health

    We Can! Is a national program designed as a one-stop resource for parents on various health issues.

    Other web-sites with useful information and helpful links:

    Chester County Hospital

    Food Allergy Network

    Main Line Health